diff options
4 files changed, 164 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/dumb_render.f90 b/dumb_render.f90
index f50efe1..7832891 100644
--- a/dumb_render.f90
+++ b/dumb_render.f90
@@ -2,11 +2,18 @@ module dumb_render
use render
implicit none
+ integer, parameter::width = 79
+ integer, parameter::height = 24
type, extends(renderer) :: dumb_renderer
+ integer::link_index
+ character(len=1024), dimension(height)::link_urls
procedure :: initialize => dumb_initialize
+ procedure :: prepare_for_layout => prepare_for_dumb_layout
procedure :: text_width => dumb_text_width
procedure :: text_height => dumb_text_height
@@ -20,6 +27,12 @@ implicit none
procedure :: draw_preformatted => dumb_text_draw
+ procedure :: link_width => dumb_link_width
+ procedure :: link_height => dumb_text_height
+ procedure :: is_link_visible => dumb_text_visible
+ procedure :: draw_link => dumb_link_draw
end type dumb_renderer
@@ -29,11 +42,41 @@ contains
- self%max_width = 79
+ self%max_width = width
self%y = 0
+ self%link_index = 0
+ self%link_urls = " "
end subroutine dumb_initialize
+ subroutine prepare_for_dumb_layout(self)
+ implicit none
+ class(dumb_renderer)::self
+ self%link_index = 0
+ self%link_urls = " "
+ ! Write a page feed to clear the screen (not really necessary, but...)
+ write(*, '(A1)', advance='no') char(12)
+ end subroutine prepare_for_dumb_layout
+ function store_link(self, url)
+ implicit none
+ class(dumb_renderer)::self
+ character(*), intent(in)::url
+ integer::store_link
+ self%link_index = self%link_index + 1
+ self%link_urls(self%link_index) = url
+ store_link = self%link_index
+ end function store_link
function dumb_text_width(self, text)
implicit none
@@ -90,4 +133,52 @@ contains
end subroutine dumb_text_draw
+ function build_link_text(self, text, idnum) result(res)
+ implicit none
+ class(dumb_renderer)::self
+ character(*), intent(in)::text
+ integer, intent(in)::idnum
+ character(width)::res
+ write(res, '(A1, I3, A2)') '[', idnum,']['
+ if(len_trim(text) < (width - 7)) then
+ res = trim(res)//trim(text)//']'
+ else
+ res = trim(res)//text(1:(width-7))//']'
+ end if
+ end function build_link_text
+ function dumb_link_width(self, text)
+ implicit none
+ class(dumb_renderer)::self
+ character(*), intent(in)::text
+ integer::dumb_link_width
+ character(width)::link
+ link = build_link_text(self, text, 0)
+ dumb_link_width = dumb_text_width(self, link)
+ end function dumb_link_width
+ subroutine dumb_link_draw(self, text, url)
+ implicit none
+ class(dumb_renderer)::self
+ character(*), intent(in)::text, url
+ integer::i
+ character(width)::link
+ i = store_link(self, url)
+ link = build_link_text(self, text, i)
+ call dumb_text_draw(self, link)
+ end subroutine dumb_link_draw
end module dumb_render \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/layout.f90 b/layout.f90
index 5d6f200..1c7d8cb 100644
--- a/layout.f90
+++ b/layout.f90
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ contains
walker => first_line
laying_out = .true.
+ call rendering_engine%prepare_for_layout()
do while(laying_out)
select case (walker%line_type)
@@ -36,6 +38,9 @@ contains
case (line_type_preformatted)
call render_preformatted(rendering_engine, walker%text)
+ case (line_type_link)
+ call render_link(rendering_engine, walker%text)
end select
diff --git a/render.f90 b/render.f90
index 2913507..6d19729 100644
--- a/render.f90
+++ b/render.f90
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ implicit none
procedure(initialize), deferred::initialize
+ procedure(prepare_for_layout), deferred::prepare_for_layout
procedure(calculate_width), deferred::text_width
procedure(calculate_height), deferred::text_height
@@ -21,6 +22,11 @@ implicit none
procedure(calculate_height), deferred::preformatted_height
procedure(calculate_visibility), deferred::is_preformatted_visible
procedure(draw_text), deferred::draw_preformatted
+ procedure(calculate_width), deferred::link_width
+ procedure(calculate_height), deferred::link_height
+ procedure(calculate_visibility), deferred::is_link_visible
+ procedure(draw_link), deferred::draw_link
end type renderer
@@ -32,6 +38,13 @@ implicit none
end interface
abstract interface
+ subroutine prepare_for_layout(self)
+ import::renderer
+ class(renderer)::self
+ end subroutine prepare_for_layout
+ end interface
+ abstract interface
function calculate_width(self, text)
@@ -65,6 +78,14 @@ implicit none
end function calculate_visibility
end interface
+ abstract interface
+ subroutine draw_link(self, text, url)
+ import::renderer
+ class(renderer)::self
+ character(*), intent(in)::text, url
+ end subroutine draw_link
+ end interface
@@ -170,4 +191,47 @@ contains
r%y = r%y + r%preformatted_height(text)
end subroutine render_preformatted
+ subroutine render_link(r, text)
+ implicit none
+ class(renderer)::r
+ character(*)::text
+ integer::i_whitespace, d_length
+ character(len=:), allocatable::url, display
+ ! Find the url first - just allocate the same
+ ! size as the text, good enough...
+ allocate(character(len=len_trim(text)) :: url)
+ url = adjustl(text)
+ ! The display text occurs after the first whitespace
+ ! in url now
+ i_whitespace = index(trim(url)," ")
+ if(index(trim(url), CHAR(9)) > 0) then
+ if(i_whitespace == 0 .OR. index(trim(url), CHAR(9)) < i_whitespace) then
+ i_whitespace = index(trim(url), CHAR(9))
+ end if
+ end if
+ if(i_whitespace == 0) then
+ allocate(character(len=len_trim(url)) :: display)
+ display = url
+ else
+ d_length = len_trim(url) - i_whitespace + 1
+ allocate(character(len=d_length) :: display)
+ display = adjustl(url(i_whitespace:len_trim(url)))
+ end if
+ if(r%is_link_visible(display)) then
+ call r%draw_link(display, url)
+ end if
+ r%y = r%y + r%link_height(display)
+ deallocate(url)
+ deallocate(display)
+ end subroutine render_link
end module render
diff --git a/samples/sample1.gmi b/samples/sample1.gmi
index a7de966..a9e14b7 100644
--- a/samples/sample1.gmi
+++ b/samples/sample1.gmi
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ This page is actual a simple sample of a gemini text file.
+=> gemini://google.com Google Search Engine
+=> gemini://bing.com
Margaux sat alone on the old stone wall running along the dirt road in front of her house. The sun still shined brightly in the late afternoon, and she relished its warmth. As summer was slowly waning, these days would be rarer still.
Reaching into a bowl, she absently threw bread chunks to the six large geese that stared at her expectantly from the road's birm. Looking eastward along the road and adjoining plains and farmlands, she hoped to see a man approach on foot. Henry was due back shortly.