! Copyright (c) 2020 Jeffrey Armstrong ! ! Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ! of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ! in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights ! to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ! copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ! furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ! ! The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in ! all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ! ! The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil. ! ! THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ! IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ! FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ! AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ! LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ! OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE ! SOFTWARE. program gnc use jessl use iso_c_binding use iso_fortran_env implicit none ! For our TLS connection type(c_ptr)::ctx type(c_ptr)::method type(c_ptr)::ssl integer(kind=c_long)::res ! Cert stuff character(512)::cert_public, cert_private ! Requested file character(1024)::request character(512)::mimetype integer::request_unit ! Argument handling integer::i character(512)::arg ! Logfile integer, parameter::logunit = 1097 character(512)::logfile ! root serving dir character(512), target::rootdir logfile = "/tmp/gnc.log" rootdir = " " cert_public = " " cert_private = " " if(command_argument_count() < 4) then call usage() stop end if i = 0 do while(i <= command_argument_count()) call get_command_argument(i, arg) if(trim(arg) == "-pub") then i = i + 1 call get_command_argument(i, cert_public) else if(trim(arg) == "-priv") then i = i + 1 call get_command_argument(i, cert_private) else if(trim(arg) == "-l") then i = i + 1 call get_command_argument(i, logfile) else if(trim(arg) == "-root") then i = i + 1 call get_command_argument(i, rootdir) end if i = i + 1 end do open(unit=logunit, file=trim(logfile), action="write", status="unknown", position="append") call write_log("Initiating program") ! Diagnostics do i = 0,command_argument_count() call get_command_argument(i, arg) call write_log("Argument: "//trim(arg)) end do call random_seed() call library_init() method = tls_server_method() ctx = ctx_new(method) if(.not. C_ASSOCIATED(ctx)) then call write_log("Context failed") close(logunit) stop end if ! Seems to be a dummy now... !res = ctx_set_ecdh_auto(ctx, 1) if(.not. ctx_use_certificate_file(ctx, trim(cert_public), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) then call write_log("Cert file failed") call write_log("Public: "//trim(cert_public)) !call print_error() close(logunit) stop end if if(.not. ctx_use_private_key_file(ctx, trim(cert_private), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) then call write_log("Cert file failed") call write_log("Private: "//trim(cert_private)) !call print_error() close(logunit) stop end if ssl = ssl_new(ctx) call write_log("Initiating connection") ! So this is a GNU Extension... res = set_read_fd(ssl, fnum(input_unit)) if(res /= 1) then call write_log("set rfd failed") !call print_error() close(logunit) stop end if res = set_write_fd(ssl, fnum(output_unit)) if(res /= 1) then call write_log("set wfd failed") !call print_error() close(logunit) stop end if res = ssl_accept(ssl) if(res <= 0) then call write_log("ssl_accept failed") !call print_error() close(logunit) stop end if call write_log("Handling read_request") ! Do the actual protocol nonsense call read_request(ssl, request) call write_log("Request is "//trim(request)) ! If it ends in a slash, let's manually and silently add "index.gmi" if(request(len_trim(request):len_trim(request)) == "/") then request = trim(request)//"index.gmi" end if res = process_request(trim(request), trim(rootdir), request_unit, mimetype) call write_log("Request processed") select case(res) case(2) ! Success call write_log("Delivering") call write_file(ssl, request_unit, mimetype) close(request_unit) case(3) ! Redirect call write_log("Redirecting") call write_redirect(ssl, request) case(5) ! Not Found call write_log("Notfound") call write_notfound(ssl) end select call write_log("Shutdown") res = ssl_shutdown(ssl) res = ssl_free(ssl) res = ctx_free(ctx) close(logunit) contains subroutine write_string(ssl, string) use jessl, only: ssl_write use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr implicit none type(c_ptr)::ssl character(*)::string character, dimension(:), allocatable::buf integer::i allocate(buf(len(string))) do i = 1, len(string) buf(i) = string(i:i) end do i = ssl_write(ssl, buf) deallocate(buf) end subroutine write_string subroutine write_notfound(ssl) use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_carriage_return, c_new_line implicit none type(c_ptr)::ssl character(*), parameter::notfound_response = "50 Not Found" call write_string(ssl, notfound_response//c_carriage_return//c_new_line) end subroutine write_notfound function read_into_buffer(unit_number, buffer) implicit none integer, intent(in)::unit_number character, dimension(*), intent(out)::buffer integer::read_into_buffer integer::i, ierr ierr = 0 i = 0 do while(ierr == 0 .and. i < len(buffer)) i = i + 1 read(unit_number, iostat=ierr) buffer(i) end do if(ierr /= 0) then i = i - 1 end if read_into_buffer = i end function read_into_buffer subroutine write_file(ssl, unit_number, mimetype) use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_carriage_return, c_new_line use jessl, only: ssl_write implicit none type(c_ptr)::ssl integer, intent(in)::unit_number character(*), intent(in)::mimetype character, dimension(64)::buf integer::buflen, written call write_string(ssl, "20 "//trim(mimetype)//c_carriage_return//c_new_line) buflen = read_into_buffer(unit_number, buf) do while(buflen > 0) written = ssl_write(ssl, buf(1:buflen)) buflen = read_into_buffer(unit_number, buf) end do end subroutine write_file subroutine write_redirect(ssl, req) use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_carriage_return, c_new_line implicit none type(c_ptr)::ssl character(*), intent(in)::req integer::i character(*), parameter::index_file = "index.gmi" i = len_trim(req) if(req(i:i) == '/') then call write_string(ssl, "30 "//trim(req)//index_file//c_carriage_return//c_new_line) else call write_string(ssl, "30 "//trim(req)//"/"//index_file//c_carriage_return//c_new_line) end if end subroutine write_redirect function requires_redirect(req) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::req logical::requires_redirect integer::i requires_redirect = .false. i = len_trim(req) if(req(i:i) == '/') then requires_redirect = .true. else ! The root url without any further slashes also requires redirect i = index(req, "://") if(i > 0) then requires_redirect = (index(req(i+3:len_trim(req)), "/") <= 0) end if end if end function requires_redirect subroutine determine_mimetype(filename, mimetype) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::filename character(*), intent(out)::mimetype character(256)::tmpfile character(1024)::cmdline character, dimension(5)::rand_string real, dimension(5)::rand_values integer::i, readback_unit i = index(filename, ".gmi") if(i == (len_trim(filename)-3)) then mimetype = "text/gemini" else call random_number(rand_values) rand_string = char(ichar('A') + int(25*rand_values)) tmpfile = "/tmp/gemini_" do i = 1, 5 tmpfile = trim(tmpfile)//rand_string(i) end do cmdline = "file -b --mime-type "//trim(filename)//" > "//trim(tmpfile) call write_log("Executing: "//trim(cmdline)) call execute_command_line(cmdline, wait=.true.) open(newunit=readback_unit, file=tmpfile, action="read", status="old") read(readback_unit, *) mimetype close(readback_unit) ! I saw this happen once... if(trim(mimetype) == "text") then mimetype = "text/plain" end if ! GNU Extenstion... :( call unlink(tmpfile) end if end subroutine determine_mimetype function process_request(request, rootdir, request_unit, mimetype) result(status_code) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::request character(*), intent(in)::rootdir integer, intent(out)::request_unit character(*), intent(out)::mimetype integer::status_code character(1024)::filename integer::i, j, ioerror if(requires_redirect(request)) then status_code = 3 else ! Get the file of interest i = index(request, "://") if(i <= 0) then filename = request else j = index(request(i+3:len_trim(request)), "/") filename = request((i+j+2):len_trim(request)) end if if(len_trim(rootdir) > 0) then filename = rootdir//"/"//trim(filename) call write_log("Canonicalize: "//trim(filename)) ! Here we'll get rid of any dots or whatever and if(.not. canonicalize_path(filename) .or. index(filename, rootdir) /= 1) then call write_log("File outside root requested: "//trim(filename)) status_code = 5 return end if end if call write_log("Opening: "//trim(filename)) ! First, check if exists by opening open(newunit=request_unit, file=trim(filename), status="old", & form="unformatted", iostat=ioerror, access="stream") if(ioerror /= 0) then status_code = 5 else call determine_mimetype(filename, mimetype) status_code = 2 end if end if end function process_request subroutine read_request(ssl, req) use jessl, only: ssl_read use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr implicit none type(c_ptr)::ssl character(*), intent(out)::req character, dimension(64)::buf integer::bufread integer::i, j req = " " i = 1 bufread = ssl_read(ssl, buf) do while(bufread > 0) do j = 1, bufread if(buf(j) == c_new_line) then exit end if if(buf(j) /= c_carriage_return) then req(i:i) = buf(j) i = i + 1 end if end do if(buf(j) == c_new_line) then exit end if bufread = ssl_read(ssl, buf) end do end subroutine read_request function canonicalize_path(path) use iso_c_binding, only: c_char, c_null_char implicit none character(*), intent(inout)::path character(kind=c_char), allocatable, dimension(:), target::srcpath logical::canonicalize_path type(c_ptr)::cdst character(kind=c_char), dimension(:), pointer::dstpath character(256)::errr integer::pathlen, i interface function realpath(src, dst) bind(c) use iso_c_binding type(c_ptr)::realpath type(c_ptr), value::src, dst end function realpath end interface interface subroutine c_free(p) bind(c, name="free") use iso_c_binding type(c_ptr), value::p end subroutine c_free end interface pathlen = (len_trim(path)+1) allocate(srcpath(len(path))) srcpath = c_null_char do i = 1, pathlen-1 srcpath(i) = path(i:i) end do srcpath(pathlen) = c_null_char cdst = realpath(c_loc(srcpath), c_null_ptr) if(c_associated(cdst)) then path = " " call c_f_pointer(cdst, dstpath, [1]) i = 1 do while(dstpath(i) /= c_null_char) path(i:i) = dstpath(i) i = i + 1 end do dstpath => null() call c_free(cdst) canonicalize_path = .true. else write(errr, *) "realpath error: ", ierrno() call write_log(trim(errr)) canonicalize_path = .false. end if deallocate(srcpath) end function canonicalize_path subroutine usage() implicit none character(256)::exe call get_command_argument(0, exe) Print *, "Usage: "//trim(exe)//" -pub -priv [-l ] [-root ]" end subroutine usage subroutine write_log(string) implicit none character(*), intent(in)::string ! GNU Extension... :( write(logunit, *) fdate()//" :: "//string call flush(logunit) end subroutine write_log end program gnc